Throughout the semester we have seen common thematic connections in the texts and movies we have seen. These thematic connections include
· Reality
· Utopia
· Dystopia
· Ignorance
· Free Will
· Determinism
· Ethics
· Morality
In my opinion, the most important of the connections would be Free Will. From the beginning of the semester, I was not aware of how much the idea of choice would come up. Looking back on it, In comparison to the text of “The Allegory of the Cave”, the first text we analyzed, I felt as though the prisoner Socrates describes to Glaucon is limited for the fact that he was held captive all his life. It is not until he is released and becomes aware of reality that he goes back and decides that although painful, reality is for the better. He ultimately had the choice of returning to the cave but decided otherwise. I didn’t understand the importance of Free Will until it began coming up in Movies and Text such as “The Matrix” and “Free Will and Determinism in the World of Minority Report”. The connection with all of the works we have seen this semester is that all characters are faced with options and a decision and they all deal with it differently with somewhat of the same outcome.
At the beginning of English 101, my idea on free will seemed to be more narrow in the sense that I was not convinced that the characters free will and so much effect on what was supposedly determined for them and I didn’t become open to this idea until we watched “Gattaca”. In the movie “Gattaca” Vincent is genetically disadvantaged at birth not being genetically engineered like his brother Anton and is predetermined to face heart failure by the age of 30. Despite being incapable of getting the same jobs and having the same advantages as someone who is genetically designed, he faces the odds, and goes by unethical means to take on a job he has always hoped for. Like the other characters, he knows what his against him and choses to prevail. Free will in every text we have used this semester outweighs the theme of determinism which comes up as often however I believe Free Will has been more important.