My Blog List

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog 1

When I was younger I became consumed with the idea that a fictional creature by the name of Chupacabra, also known as the “Blood Sucker” was real. It was a creature that was talked about in many Spanish countries that was part goat, part coyote. I wasn’t very familiar with this creature until one summer when I was about seven, my parents sent me to Puerto Rico to stay with some family members.

Many of my Cousins, Aunts and Grandmother often talked of the Chupacabra and I would watch Spanish news channels where reporters would show videos of “sightings” people would submit to the channels. I quickly became scared and uncomfortable with the idea that this blood sucking creature would kill our family horse and possibly come into the room where I stood and kill me at night. Countless nights I would try convincing my cousins to stay up with me and to play or watch movies.  I tried any and everything I could think of not to go to sleep until my grandmother forced me too.  That summer I remember practically suffocating myself under comforters and quilts just so I wouldn’t be visible to anyone or anything. A while after that summer, I believe time and maturity allowed me to get over my fear of the mysterious creature. Looking back on it, I feel silly for believing something like the chupacabra would exsist in the first place.

For myself, I believe I was brought up in a metaphorical cave, where I was taught to believe my family would not steer me in the wrong direction because they ultimately have my best interest at heart. I would have never questioned my families authority or judgement until that summer. I possibly questioned it again when I found out the tooth fairy and santa clause was not real. So I believe as we get older and start challenging our guardians authority, it all stems from those little white lies they told us when we were younger to keep us confined to the innocence/naiveness of our childhood. Though those little white lies my family told me for their personal amusement traumatized me at seven, I'm glad we can laugh on it now, even though I still find myself not being able to go to bed without being completely covered by quilts.

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